(An Spiritual Science Education Wing of PSSM) (ISO 9001-2015 Certified Trust )

Dhyana vidhyarthi project for schools and colleges


Dhyana or Meditation is one of the highest stages of the yoga. The history of dhyana or meditation is thousands years old. Meditation is simply emptying our mind by being with the breath. The main purpose of the practice of Dhyana or Meditation is to purify the mental states. The teaching Dhyana or meditation in schools is having positive effects on student’s well-being, social skills and academic skills. Therefore, Dhyana or meditation is very much needs to students and schools/colleges adaptive in regularly Dhyana or medtation classes for students. The Pyramid Spiritual Science Academy (PSSA) in collaboration with the PSSM and KDPT has launched a called ““Dhyana Vidyarthi” to impart specialized project training to students. So their, Mental, Physical. Social health and skills increasing in more effectively.


The main objectives of the project program.

1. To mastery of the students in Dhyana or Meditation practices in     their daily life.
2. To boosts the student’s performance and overall academic     improvement.
3. To improve the students memory ,attention span, Interest, and     enthusiasm etc.
4. To reduce stress, frustration, addiction to drugs, smoking or     alcohol etc.
5. To bringing peace of mind and improves the quality sleep
6. To enhance communication skills and other skills.
7. To maintaining their health and wellness.

Project program structure:

Dhyana or Medition Techniques.

1. Sit in comfortable posture (on the floor or on a chair).
2. Keep your spine and neck relaxed.
3. Clasp your hands and cross your legs
4. Close your eyes and observe your natural breath…
5. Simply follow your normal breath. Inhale…exhale…     inhale….Exhale… softly…easily… naturally ….no forceful     breathing …do not change your natural breathing…
6. No chanting of mantra…any imagination of any god…. No     prayer…just observe your natural breath in a relaxed comfortable     posture. This is called meditation.

The project program one module of the first session of thirty minutes and after reduce to the 10 minutes in regular sessions in daily .These sessions will be spread across the entire year of calendar of events of the schools and colleges. We will be dhyana or Meditation classes conducted every day in schools.

If you want more details of the project program please click below: